Maximizing Growth and Loyalty through Personalised Whatsapp/SMS Campaigns

Few methods offer the direct and personalised engagement that personalized campaigns provide. These campaigns come in various forms, each tailored to resonate with the audience in unique ways.
Four Types of Personalized Messaging Campaigns
Incentivizing Second Orders
A customer who buys from you for a second time becomes much more likely to be a loyal customer. Offering a discount or an exclusive deal for a second purchase, not only boosts sales but also reinforces loyalty.
Re-Engaging Old Customers
Provide a special incentive for your dormant customers to return. These messages can also include updates on new products or services.
Growing Basket Size
Messages that offer bundled deals or suggest add-ons can prompt customers to expand their purchase.
Announcing Special Events
Whether it’s a limited-time sale, an exclusive preview, or an event, These campaigns can generate excitement and urgency. Notifying customers about upcoming special events can create a buzz and drive traffic to your store or website.
The Power of Personalization
This approach enhances relevance and resonance, increasing the likelihood of conversion and long-term customer loyalty. With ordable/ you can send personalised messages to your customers based on their purchasing behaviour, for example you can send new customers a message encouraging them for a second purchase and “At risk” customers to re-engage them.
If you have any questions on how to launch a campaign reach out to us
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